Over at OpenMedia, I've written a rundown on the Meltdown/Spectre CPU vulnerability: what it is, and what you can do to protect yourself from it.
Read MoreWriting for OpenMedia, I respond to yesterday's accusation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security blaming North Korea for the WannaCry ransomware. And the truth is, there's plenty blame to spread around.
Read MoreEveryone has one, right? Their not-so-secret list of The Worst Christmas Songs, with footnotes for each. Your mileage may vary, but this is my list – in which ten songs are definitively the WORST.
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a lowland kingdom, called Broodendam...
Read MoreI ruminate on why I love the mocha, before reviewing a bunch of Vancouver coffee shops' mochas. YUM.
Read MoreToday is the last day at OpenMedia for Communications Manager Meghan Sali. We're gonna miss you, Mega.
Read MoreI’ve accomplished a lot in the two years since I re-launched this blog. Today however, reading the news, and reflecting on those past two years, it also sometimes feels like I haven’t done a single goddamned thing.
Welcome to the end of infosec. In the words of a fictional IT pro: Hold onto your butts.
I'm pleased to announce the launch of my next-generation journalism media empire: The Daily Newt (ie: a parody news site). With a special focus on technology, science, and politics, I have high hopes that we'll be a worthy addition to your balanced breakfast of fake news.
Read MoreMisguided government policy is actively undermining your safety online, and that needs to change, SOON. Governments should be working to strengthen encryption for the safety of citizens everywhere.
Read MoreI wrote a parody news piece about Theresa May, outlawing encryption, and the ridiculous end-results of such thinking. Enjoy!
Read MoreWho gets more value from smart devices: is it consumers, or is it companies, criminals, and spies? In my latest piece for OpenMedia, I explore the pros and cons of all our things being internet-connected smart devices.
Read MoreFourteen months after I officially started volunteering with OpenMedia, the OMance is still going strong, which is why OpenMedia's Community Engagement Specialist Aleks Besan recently interviewed me. Thanks to OM for deciding to showcase my contributions! <3
Read MoreIt takes a little imagination to conceive of what's possible without net neutrality protections in the U.S., but it's well worth the effort. In my latest article for OpenMedia, I speculate on what might come next, and it's not pretty.
Read MoreI make no apologies for my Minecraft puns.
Read MoreWhipped up this image based on a joke in a livestream. If you've played Minecraft in the past two years, you'll get it.
Read MoreThe recent ransomware attacks should be an IT security wake up call for all of us. For the healthcare sector, it should be a code blue.
Read my latest for OpenMedia to become terrifyingly informed.
Read MoreTime after time, the security infrastructure that all our technologies depend upon has been sabotaged in the name of law enforcement. In my latest article for OpenMedia, I show how governments are moving tech-security policy in the wrong direction, and why soon enough, that's going to bite us in the ass.
Read MoreThis week at OpenMedia, I explore why data localization can be both a win and a loss for privacy.
Read MoreI have discovered fuse beads! Known more often by their brand names (Perler, Hama, and Artkal, to name a few), they're simply coloured HDPE beads used to create 2D art, and enjoying a surge in popularity thanks in part to their being a great medium for recreating sprite art from classic 8 and 16-bit video games.
For my first big project, I decided to create the main cast from the amazing Squaresoft RPG Chrono Trigger. Check out my full gallery on imgur.
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